The Colorado Archaeological Society

Programs and Field Trips

Next Meeting

Tuesday, August 20, 2014, 7:00 PM

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Excavating the “Swift Water Place” Site in Alaska

Presenter:  Dr. Bruce Lutze, Archaeologist

Located north of the Arctic Circle, Igliqtiqsiugvigruaq (“Swift Water Place”) is a protohistoric village site occupied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries on the Kobuk River, Alaska. The site is well known to the Inupiat of the region, partly because the river erodes it, thus exposing artifacts and living surfaces. But it is also well known because the stories about this village and its inhabitants are passed down from generation to generation in nearby villages along the Kobuk River. The excavations of two structures at the site took place in 2011 and 2013 under the direction of Dr. Douglas Anderson. Dr. Lutz will discuss some of the progressive archaeological techniques employed during the excavations and, afterward, in the laboratories of several universities. Equally important, he notes, is the human component, and he will discuss the effect the site may have on today’s Inupiat.

About Dr. Bruce Lutz

Dr. Bruce Lutz is an archaeological anthropologist specializing in Arctic archaeology and hunter-gatherer ethnography. He directed archaeological excavations and surveys in Alaska and Colorado, including archaeological work for the Bureau of Land Management (Alaska and Colorado), Alaska Division of Parks, Corps of Engineers, and Interagency Archaeological Services-Denver. He has published in American Antiquity, Anthropological Paper of the University of Alaska, Arctic Anthropology, and Southwestern Lore. His recent interests include Neanderthal linguistic capabilities.

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Fire Station 19
2490 Research Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80920

Future Programs

September 17, 2024

Lithophones: Bringing the Ancient Rock Music to Life

Presenter:  Marilyn Martorano, Registered Professional Archaeologist, Martorano Consultants, LLC

Future Field Trips


Victor, Co, Part 2

Art Porter will lead the trip through Victor, focusing on threads that lead to the history of Victor. There will be some walking on sidewalks and streets. If time permits, a visit to Rita the Rock Pusher will take place.

Field trip is open to Members only.

Sept. 20-23

 Salinas Missions, New Mexeco

Gary Conover will lead a trip to the Salinas Missions in New Mexico.
Members only.

Oct. 4-5

Price Heiner, who led our fantastic outing last October to La Cueva, will take us to the Upper Crossing Guard Station, Dry Creek, and possibly Mt. Peat in the San Luis Valley.
Members only


Trip to the University of Colorado Museum in Boulder.
Members only