The Colorado Archaeological Society

Next Meeting - Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Programs are Free and Open to the Public

Next Program: Life and Death at “Swift Water Place”

by Dr. Bruce Lutz, Archaeological Anthropologist

Located north of the Arctic Circle, Igliqtiqsiugvigruaq (“Swift Water Place”) is a protohistoric village site occupied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries on the Kobuk River, Alaska. The site is well known to the Inupiat of the region, partly because the river erodes it, thus exposing artifacts and living surfaces.(more)

Upcoming Programs

September 17th

Lithophones in Colorado: An ancient musical instrument made of rock.

Presenter:  Marilyn A. Martorano, Martorano Consultants LLC

Field Trips

Sept. 20-23

 Gary Conover will lead a trip to the Salinas Missions in New Mexico.

Oct. 4-5

Price Heiner, who led our fantastic outing last October to La Cueva, will take us to 

the Upper Crossing Guard Station, Dry Creek, and possibly Mr. Peat in the San Luis Valley.


Trip to the University of Colorado Museum in Boulder.


Trip to Victor, Colorado this summer.

Our Board of Directors

PresidentSusanne Denlinger
Vice PresidentRobin Bell
SecretaryMargaret Cordova
TreasurerPaul Shannon
Director at Large
Director at LargeJulie Haverluk, 2nd Yr
Programs Director Patrice Rhoades-Baum
CAS RepresentativeJones LeFae
Membership DirectorLarry Hansen

Our Committee Members

Chapter PremiumsAmy Sullivan
Community OutreachSusanne Denlinger
Field TripsArt Porter
NewsletterJerry Grandel
PAAC CoordinatorJones LeFae
PublicityJudy Kilgore
RefreshmentsLinda Trzyna
Web MasterRichard Garcia